Bardish Chagger

Bardish Chagger

Your Liberal Candidate For


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A champion for a better future in Waterloo

The Honourable Bardish Chagger is the first woman to serve as Member of Parliament for the riding of Waterloo. She became involved in politics at the age of 13 when she volunteered alongside her father in the 1993 federal campaign, and has been involved in politics and her community ever since, including working for former Kitchener-Waterloo MP, the Honourable Andrew Telegdi.

Bardish was elected in October 2015 and re-elected in 2019 and 2021. She has served in cabinet as Minister of Small Business and Tourism , Leader of the Government in the House of Commons , and Minister of Diversity and Inclusion and Youth.

Prior to being elected MP for Waterloo, Bardish worked at the Kitchener Waterloo Multicultural Centre, a non-profit registered charity, supporting newcomers to Canada as they transition to full participation in our community’s life. As the Special Projects Coordinator, Bardish planned the annual KW Multicultural Festival at Victoria Park, bringing together community, including cultural and business groups, in the Waterloo Region. Bardish also worked with local partners to bring the Global Skills Conference to the Waterloo Region, to connect Internationally-Trained Professionals with relevant information including credential, regulatory, and professional bodies, and meaningful employment opportunities. Bardish is dedicated to seeing Waterloo thrive and will continue to be a strong voice through her advocacy and support.

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